在線訂購 – 第 2 季
Superbook 13集故事,帶你穿梭創世之初到末世荒涼。內附研討指引一本,幫助家長或導師深化每集內容,讓孩子按聖經教導做得更好。
13 episodes of Superbook stories, take you on a journey from the Beginning to the Revelation. A Family Discussion Guide may help parents or teachers to apply the biblical teaching from each episode to raise up the better next generations.
This module contains videos and teaching material for three lessons for grades 1-6. Each 60-minute lesson can expand up to 90 minutes, making the curriculum easily adaptable for Bible lesson, Sunday school, vacation Bible school and special events.
Joy, Chris, Gizmo與約拿同行,他們被吞入魚腹,也同去尼尼微拯救罪人。在旅程中他們活出上帝的寬恕,原諒即使是自己不喜歡的人。
Joy, Chris and Gizmo join Jonah on his journey, from inside the whale to saving the sinful Ninevites. They live out God’s forgiveness, even with someone they doesn’t like.
Superbook transports the kids back to the time of Joseph, and as Chris watches as Joseph rise to be governor of Egypt, he learns to forego his own plans and trust in God’s plans instead.
Superbook takes the kids back to the time of Nebuchadnezzar to meet Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They learns to trust God to do the right thing.
Superbook takes our heroes back to the fall of Jericho, where they meets Rahab. Joy comes to realize that people can change, and those who seem to be adversaries can sometimes turn out to be allies who will work with you for a greater good.
SUPERBOOK whisks the kids off to meet Queen Ether, who stands up for what is right, even though it could mean death. Joy returns home full of fortitude it will take to do the right thing in her situation at school.
The kids from witnessing John The Baptist preach and his incarceration and ultimate death at the hands of Herodias and King Herod, Chris understands what it means to live truthfully and point others toward in the direction of being more like Jesus.
Superbook takes the kids back in time to meet a man named Paul who is facing adversity. When Paul is forced to face authorities in Rome, the journey seems the most dire, God gives him the strength to carry on.
When Chris Grandpa suddenly dies he feels as though he can’t go on. SUPERBOOK whisks the kids away to meet Job, who remain faithful to God through all sorts of adversity. Chris knows God will not abandon him.
The kids back to a time when God vows to destroy the evil world by flooding, saving only Noah’s family and animals. Heartened by Noah’s example and God’s covenant with Mankind, they return to the present and reject their friend’s dangerous influence.
Superbook takes the kids back to meet Gideon, when God at his side, he carries off a masterful attack and defeats the Midianites. Joy realizes she can do anything when God shows you the way. When she returns home she is more than up for the task at hand.
主角們看到彼得三次不認耶穌,但復活的耶穌在加利利海邊原諒了彼得。Chris 亦因懼怕而不承認Joy的友誼,但學會原諒的功課,他們的友誼得以修複。
The kids meet Peter, who denying Jesus three times, but the risen Jesus forgive Peter on the shores of Galilee. Chris was also acting out of fear when he refused to acknowledge Joy’s friendship. Once they learns God’s forgiveness, their friendship restored.
Superbook whisks the kids away to Galilee, where Jesus is telling the Prodigal Son. They learn forgiveness and the unfailing love of a father. They return home and encourage their friend ask for his dad’s forgiveness, instead of running away.
After a Superbook trip to witness Elijah demonstrate to the believers of Baal, that there is only one true, all-powerful God, Chris returns home humbled. He gives up his addiction to the video game and spend more time to the only real God.
8—Length衫長56, chest胸闊39, shoulder肩長36, sleeve袖長15
12—Length衫長60, chest胸闊439, shoulder肩長39.5, sleeve袖長19
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M—Length衫長68.5, chest胸闊50, shoulder肩長44, sleeve袖長22
L—Length衫長71, chest胸闊52.5, shoulder肩長45.5, sleeve袖長23
XL—Length衫長73.5, chest胸闊55, shoulder肩長47, sleeve袖長24
2XL—Length衫長76, chest胸闊57.5, shoulder肩長49, sleeve袖長25
Unit B, 10/F, Easy Tower, 609-611 Tai Nan West Street, Kowloon
電話: (852) 2234 0014